The train number 12781/12782 Mysuru-Hazarat Nizamuddin Swarnajayanti Express operates conveniently every Friday from Mysuru to reach Hazarat Nizamuddin near New Delhi on Sunday evenings. The train travels via Hassan-Arsikere-Hubballi-Belagavi-Pune-Miraj-Bhopal and Jhansi to terminate only at Hazarat Nizamuddin Railway Station (7 km short of New Delhi Railway Station).
As most of the passengers intend to alight at New Delhi Station to head to either Praharganj or Ajmeri Gate side and conveniently avail Metro services to reach New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport, it is thus high time that Swarnajayanthi Express is also extended up to New Delhi Railway Station instead of terminating only at Hazarat Nizamuddin Railway Station.
The suggestion will also benefit the passengers heading towards Chandigarh, Amritsar, and Dehradun as the trains bound towards these sectors originate only from New Delhi Railway Station and it otherwise causes an inconvenience as Swarnajayanthi Express currently terminates only at Hazarat Nizamuddin Railway Station.
Hence, South Western Railway authorities at Mysuru Division are requested to consider the suggestion to extend the services of the train number 12781/12782 Mysuru-H. Nizamuddin Swaranjayanti Express up to New Delhi Railway Station. The positive suggestion will highly benefit the passengers bound towards Chandigarh, Amritsar, Dehradun and also reach New Delhi’s IGI Airport conveniently through Delhi Metro services available from New Delhi Railway Station.
– Varun Dambal, Bengaluru, 10.3.2020
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